I'm somewhat of a multi-tasker. I often have several balls in the air. I'm learning that I can better handle multiple tasks if I do them in segments. Let me explain. Rather than jumping willy-nilly from one task to the next, try focusing on one task for 10-20 minutes, then relaxing for 5 minutes, and then return to the task if it isn't finished yet. Or, after relaxing for 5 minutes, switch to another task for 10-20 minutes. For example, today I spent @ 20 minutes reading and answering e-mails; then did the USA Today crossword, then uploaded a video to FaceBook & Twitter, and then started on this blog entry. I'm about to take a snack break, and then do some writing on my book for @ 20 minutes of so. By incorporating these "spurts" of productivity, I can remain fresh. I find that if I go much longer than 20 minutes at the time, my creativity begins to wane. By segmenting I reach the end of the day having completed many if not most of my tasks while...