
Showing posts from November, 2009

One Man's Opinion

To this point I've resisted the urge to give my opinion on some of the inane descisions, past and present, made by the elite politicians. From their own version of Mount Olympus (Washington, D. C.) and exempt from any of the restrictions their legislation puts on the rest of us, they have reached at point where it matters not what the public thinks. At the very least they have a term to foist their evil upon us. Un-doing what they do in the meantime will take decades (cite Roe v Wade) if not longer. Since I've mentioned the legalization of infanticide in America, have any of these progressive "thinkers" weighed the economic impact of killing babies? Because of the mass murder of over a million babies, there will be fewer people down the road to pay into the Social Security system, thereby hastening it's demise. Of course, those who passed the legislation aren't worried because they are exempt from Soial Security. Link the abortion issue with granting homosexua...

Guilt vs Conviction

I read a statement the other day that if people learned to deal with guilt and un-forgiveness, our hospitals would be relatively empty. It reminded me of the book by Dr. Carl Meninger entitled "What Ever Happened to Sin?" This morning I had a woman in my office dealing with what she perceived to be guilt over the death of her 27 year old daughter. The daughter died of a brain aneurysm. I explained to her that there was no way she could have prevented such an unfortunate death even if she had been sitting in the room with her daughter at the time. As we continued to talk about the myriad problems the woman had, I suggested that perhaps her guilt was connected to something else, but had just manifested at the death of her daughter. Immediately she said, "That's it!" I explained that when there is un-confessed sin in our lives that we have neglected or refused to acknowledge that "guilt" is really conviction, and sometimes manifests attached to som...

Living in the Moment

Last week, the night before I was to play golf the next morning, I woke up early thinking again about how golf is a metaphor for life. It occurred to me that the only shot you can do any thing about in golf is the one that you are taking at the moment. Your last shot is over and done with, your next one is a mystery because you don't even know where the ball will be. It remains for you to concentrate on grip, setup, direction, back-swing, down-swing and follow-through for the shot you are now making. In reality, you can only address each of these one at the time. I really like it better when I don't think about any of these, but, using the technique of John Daley, just "grip it and rip it". Life is a lot like that. The only moment I can control is the one I'm in right now. The past is gone, even if only a few seconds ago. The future is yet to come, and once again, I have no idea what it holds. Right now, no, now, no, now...(you get the drift) I can concen...