
Showing posts from August, 2010

Man's Way vs God's Way

As I watch on C-span the Glen Beck rally in Washington D.C. I'm struck with the contradiction between man's approach to change and the plan that God gave us in the Bible to bring about lasting change. While man opts for "events" such as this rally, God's emphasis is on the individual; each one reaching and discipling one (Matt. 28:18-20) The result of disciple-making is that each disciple is then empowered to make disciples, and a movement is set in motion, not just an event. Jesus set the example for us in that He spent the majority of His time discipling and equipping a small group of men. Although He did, on occasion, speak to multitudes, the bulk of His time was invested in His disciples. If the money and man power that went into this rally were expended through disciple-making churches to train, equip and send out disciples of Jesus through our nation, lasting change would result. Once this rally is over, it is over. However, a disciple-making movement ...

A New Kind of Entitlement

Today I was in McDonald's grabbing a bite to eat before some meetings. At a booth in front of me was a mother and 2 children. She had her netbook out, and was calling someone on her cell phone. Her MP3 player was lying near the Netbook. I saw no evidence that they had ordered anything. When they rose to leave, she had a HUGE stack of napkins in her hand, and her youngest child has a handful of straws. It reminded me of a story an intern of mine told me once. She was living with her grandparents while attending college nearby. She said she hated to go out to eat with them because they took everything that wasn't tied down. One day she came into the office laughing. "Today", she said, "my grandmother said as she prepared lunch, 'Irving, we've got to go back to Burger King. We're almost out of napkins.'" So, back to the family in McD's. With enough money to afford a netbook, cell phone, & MP3 player, they still had to steal na...

Why Obama Will Not End the War

The primary reason for Obama's low popularity numbers is the current economy and loss of jobs. That reason alone is enough to determine whether or not he moves aggressively to end the US involvement in Afghanistan. It has far less to do with Al Quaida than with the economy. To bring home thousands of troops and thrust them into the failing job market will only exacerbate the problems. Add to that the expense of dealing with the medical and psychological issues that will emanate from the readjustment of those who have been on the front lines for so long, and the die is cast. The old adage, "promises are made to keep" does not apply in the political arena. A better rendering of it would be "promises are made to change with the political climate". As much as we Americans would like to think that our ongoing involvement in the war is altruistic, the truth of the matter is that it is politically expedient. While I firmly believe that we entered the fray with th...