
Showing posts from November, 2011

Common English Bible > Home

Common English Bible > Home : 'via Blog this' I'm participating in the "Thank you- Come again-I promise" blog tour for this new translation of the Bible for the common man. I'm enjoying doing my devotional reading from the CEB. You can go to the web sight listed in the link above and get your own free copy of the new Bible. One interesting difference I've noticed is the translating of "the Son of Man" as the "Human One". Jesus referred to Himself as the Son of Man most of the time in the Gospels, so this rendering "Human One" appears quite often. I'm sure I'll come across other changes that will at least make me pause and think through familiar passages. The tag line for the CEB is "a fresh translation to touch the heart and mind." In my reading so far, I think they have achieved this goal. CEB is also available free in @YouVersion and can be downloaded free on your @Kindle. I encourage you to check ...

Appreciate Your Pastor

I know that we have just passed Pastor Appreciation Month, but I wanted to log in my view from the other (pastor's) side.  Granted, I'm 72 and not exactly in prime physical condition, but after I preach twice on Sunday I'm wrung out.  Even after the morning service I can hardly wait to hit my recliner and nap for awhile before gearing up for the next service.  All of this to say I don't know how these guys do it who preach 3-6 times on a weekend.  I'm sure that most lay people have no clue as to the emotional and physical energy expended by most preachers in the process of preaching.  It becomes even more laborious when there is little or no response.  It is like preaching with a 1,000 lb. boulder on your back. Couple with this the well-meaning person who "un-loads" his/her problem on the pastor as he is on the way to the pulpit (that is what office hours and telephones are for) Let me hasten to say that my congregation is very conscious of the fact that...

Front-line Missionaries; the American Work Force

Last night our Home Group viewed a video featuring Erwin McManus entitled "What Is Work?"  The idea that work can actually be worship was unpacked in a way that only master story-teller McManus can do.  I was reminded of Colossians 3:17 & 23.   "And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." "Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for man." That word, "enthusiastically" comes from the words "en" (with) and "theos" (God)  When we do something enthusiastically, we do it with, or full of, God.  Erwin shared how the first commercial produced by his film company placed 3rd in the Frito-lay contest to be shown during the recent Super Bowl.  Later it was rated #8 among "viral" videos because of the millions of "hits".  All of this gave him a platform from which to share his faith st...