
Showing posts from January, 2012

Internal House Cleaning

February was named after the Latin term  februum , which means  purification , via the purification ritual  Februa  held on February 15 (full moon) in the old lunar  Roman calendar . What better time than this to spend some quality time with God asking Him to reveal things in your life that need purifying.  ·          Take something to write on, a pen and your Bible ·          Block out at least an hour with no distractions. ·          Read Psalms 139:23-24 and make this your prayer. ·          Write down everything that God brings to mind; don’t justify. ·          Agree with God that the things He has brought to mind are sin. ·          Cross off those which are only between you and God. ·   ...

The Week That Was

This has been one of those weeks that tend to wear one down.  Beginning last Saturday evening.  After getting ready for bed early, we got a call that a church member had had a heart attack and was in ER at the local hospital.  Quickly we changed and charged out of the condo toward our car.  Before we got there, the owner of the unit below us rushed out to tell us that our shower was leaking into his unit. Explaining that we had no time to deal with this now, we left for the hospital, only to arrive too late.  The man had died.  We sat with his wife while the Dr. broke the news that the man she had been married to for 64 years was gone.  Just as we were getting ready to leave the hospital, the owner of the unit below us called to insist that we do something about the leak.  Once again I had to explain to him that we would not longer use the shower until we could get a plumber to check it out. We assessed our shower situation later and determined t...