
Showing posts from April, 2012

The Challenge of Intercession

Today I'm faced with the challenge of interceding for family members many miles away.  There is a combined sense of helplessness and empowerment as I take these loved ones and their needs to the Lord. The sense of helplessness comes from being so very far away and unable to touch them or to physically comfort them in any way.  However, that sense of helplessness puts me in a perfect position to intercede.  Since there is nothing I can personally do to alleviate their pain or help with their problem, I MUST rely on God to intervene in response to my prayers.  I remember hearing Ronn Dunn say that "intercession is like an ICBM launched from a pad no larger than your knees.  It travels at the speed of thought to any target on earth; scores a perfect bulls-eye, and there is no defense against it." I'm encouraged that I can pray for my loved ones and their specific needs, and have an IMMEDIATE impact on their situation even though I'm not there physically. I'm a...

A matter of Focus

There are people I know who are always talking about how bad things are, how evil the government is, how dire the economy has become, etc.  It has come to the point that if I see them coming, I start looking for the nearest exit.  Often, even at church, I hear this sort of conversation; constant focus on the down side of life, health, relationships and events.  I have discovered that if I don't make a conscious effort to do otherwise, it is very easy to be lured into this sort of thinking and talking.  For that reason, I deliberately focus on the upside.  Call me a Polly Anna if you will, but I'm happier this way.  The bad is always going to be there.  If the Lord tarries, it will become worse, however, we have a choice as to where we focus our attention.  Paul said it best in Philippians 3:13;  " Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead..." (NLT)   The "what is ahead" for the Christ follower is life eternally with Je...