
Showing posts from July, 2012

Praying Through

The term "praying through" is one of those "old timey" phrases that often gets tossed around with little understanding of the meaning.  I'm not sure that I totally understand it either.  One definition that rings true to me is praying until you sense the presence of God, or a sense of peace that God has heard your prayer, or have come face to face with the answer .  The real problem, especially where corporate prayer is concerned, is that in many churches or prayer groups there is an agenda that precludes "praying through".  If God doesn't appear or answer within a prescribed time frame, we tend to end the prayer time until next week.  Rarely do I leave such a group with the sense that we have dialoged with God.  Mostly what we have done is our weekly "dump" of concerns into the lap of God without listening to see if He has questions or suggestions or commands related to our requests. Case in point; there are names and requests that have... Viral: How Social Networking Is Poised to Ignite Revival eBook: Leonard Sweet: Kindle Store Viral: How Social Networking Is Poised to Ignite Revival eBook: Leonard Sweet: Kindle Store : 'via Blog this' Leonard Sweet's book, "Viral" is designed to be experienced rather than just read.  It is the announcement of a new revolution that is almost a Reformation so far as Christianity is concerned.  Though I read it alone, it seems to be best fitted to be read and discussed in groups because each chapter ends with interactive ideas for digging deeper into the meaning of the content for each individual. Sweet divides mankind into two groups; "Gutenbergers" (those raised on the printed page) and "Googlers" (the new digital generation).  Though he identifies with the Gutenbergers because of his age and experience, he is rapidly becoming a Googler in practice.  Googlers are further identified as the T.G.I.F. generation (Twitter, Google, I-Phone, Facebook). There are times that the book moves somewhat slowly as though slogging th...