
Showing posts from December, 2012

For or Against?

It seems that every year at Christmas there is a plethora of topics that Christ followers line up against.  Whether it be greetings (Happy Holidays) stores (those that disallow the Salvation Army bell ringers) or articles in the media that disparage our coveted beliefs, it seems so easy for Believers to get in the "against" line.  I'd like to suggest that we take a different tack this year.  Why not be FOR the things you support and stop wasting your time being negative?  For example, I'm FOR "Have a blessed Christmas" (I like that better than "Merry Christmas" although that is O.K.)  I'm FOR Nativity scenes, choirs presenting music and dramas of the season, Christmas eve services, the reading of the Christmas story from the Bible, caroling from door to door in my community and so much more.  Because I'm for them, I invite my friends and acquaintances to join me.  I counter "Happy Holiday" greetings with "Have a blessed Chris...