
Showing posts from April, 2014

Blood Moon; Etc. Etc. Etc.

Prophecy buffs, and apocalyptic preachers and authors have gone "ga-ga" over the first of four predicted "Blood Moons", especially this one which occurred during Holy Week (Passover).  As I think of all the emphasis put on this I'm reminded of the King of Siam (Anna and the King) responding to Anna with the line "Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera!" The significance of these "signs of the end" according to Jesus is to prod Christians to get busy about kingdom business.  When He used the metaphor of the farmer reading the signs in the sky, He did not indicate that they became enamored with the signs, but rather that they used the signs to plan the next crop cycle; prepare land, plant, tend and harvest. The same is true regarding the "signs of the end".  We are to busy ourselves with the "work of the One who sent Jesus" while it is day because "the night comes when no man can work."  What that means to the individual Ch...

Experience in NOT the Best Teacher

You've probably heard this most of your life.  Some well meaning relative or teacher or "friend" has quoted the old adage "Experience is the best teacher."  This could not be further from the truth.  For example, I don't need to be hit by an 18 wheeler to learn that it is dangerous and life-threatening.  I don't have to get cancer to learn that cancer is often fatal.  I don't have to get drunk or get high on drugs to learn that alcohol and drugs are bad for a person. Currently there is a lot of talk about two quasi-biblical movies that have come out; "The Son of God" and "Noah".  I've read many evangelical blogs suggesting that every believer needs to see these movies for themselves and make their own decision about them.  To me that is somewhat like telling my daughters, "why don't you try Islam, Buddhism, Ancestor worship, Scientology, etc and then decide whether or not these are better or worse than Christianity. ...