
Showing posts from February, 2015

Fill My Cup, Lord

I have a personal longing for revival. I want it in my life, my church and my nation. Some parts of the world are already experiencing revival. It has been my prayer for many years that God would allow me to go through a "Great Awakening" that is generated by God invading even the atmosphere as happened in the northeast many years ago. I'm aware that most revivals come in response to prayer. That being true I have prayed personally, led my church to pray, prayer walked in my community, attended Pastors' Prayer Gatherings and anything else I can think of. I've tried to apply 2 Chronicles 7:14 to my life and my church. I've confessed, repented, returned, begged and pleaded. I've come to the conclusion that revival (renewal) is a God thing that happens WHEN He want, WHERE He wants and impacts those WHOM He wants. That won't keep me from praying, seeking His face and crying out to Him for revival. I've just started this week to read Psalm 15 m...

Book Review

I was sent this book, The Accident by Chris Pavone by Blogging for Books in return for my honest review.  This is not a book that I can recommend due to gratuitous vulgarity and sexual content.  In addition, I found the plot to be somewhat convoluted.

Translating Jesus

One of the difficulties the church struggles with is translating Jesus into real life so that the world might see and understand Him. We must learn to translate Him by our lives and not just our words. We are in a day when words are being hijacked and meanings are changing rapidly. It seems that every month or so some individual or group takes a perfectly good word, puts their unique "spin" on it and takes over the popular usage of it. (case in point, the word "gay") Those who, for whatever reason, have rejected the evangelical church have no concept of who Jesus is. They may know of a historical Jesus, but more and more of them don't have a clue regarding the Biblical Jesus. They may use His Name, and that of His Father, God in their social discourse, but their meaning and understanding of those Names is far from the Biblical reality. Before we come down too harshly on them, let's examine how actively practicing evangelical Christians have contributed...