Carpet Bombing Prayer
The time has come for Christians to realize that they have weapons available to them that can change the world. One of those weapons is Intercessory Prayer. I posted on our church's FB account today a definition of Intercessory Prayer that I heard years ago from Bible teacher Ronn Dunn. He said, "Intercessory Prayer is like an ICBM (inter continental ballistic missile) that can be launched from a pad no larger than your knees, travels at the speed of thought to anyplace on earth, be absolutely on target and there is no defense against it." With the events in Nepal (earthquake) Baltimore (riots) and the Supreme Court (decision on same-sex marriage) Christians should be "carpet bombing" these areas with prayer. Find out all you can about each situation and the needs there; ask Holy Spirit to guide you as you is one of His specific assignments; pray, pray, pray until God answers (Matt. 7:7-8) Rather than listening to the "talking heads" on T...