America the Ugly!
Almost every patriotic occasion includes the singing of "America, the Beautiful". Of course this refers mainly to the landscape. There is something in this country to appeal to almost everyone. However, from the standpoint of the citizenry, we have become "America, the Ugly". We are divided politically, racially, financially and worst of all, spiritually. Those who do not look like, act like or agree with us we consider to be enemies. We lambaste each other with rhetoric that would peel the paint off a wall. Anytime someone dares to question the scathing things we say, we loudly proclaim our "freedom of speech". What used to be news reporting has degenerated into opinionated verbiage espousing the reporter's own political stance or that of the media that pays them. Listening is a lost art. When someone else is speaking we often are waiting for a brief lapse so that we can jump in with our opinion which we deem to be the only one worth hea...