It All Begins at Home
In the aftermath of the horrendous shooting at a high school in Florida I’m seeing all sorts of knee-jerk reactions on the internet. Some are calling for more stringent gun control laws while others are laying the blame on no prayer or Bible reading in the schools. I’d like to raise another issue. If we had fathers in the homes where children are raised, and if these fathers saw that the Bible was read and prayers were said in the home I believe that we would see much less violence in schools and in the work place. Having been a Youth Pastor for 38 of my 59 years in ministry, I can tell you that when families are led by a father who is the spiritual leader the kids are more secure and less apt to act out. Now admittedly there are some who break the mold, but largely the children of Godly parents follow the lead of their parents. When a man treats his wife with honor and respect in front of his sons, they are far less likely to wind up on the bad ...