Christian receives $21 million after 39 years in prison - - Gmail
Christian receives $21 million after 39 years in prison - - Gmail < Today it seemed that every scripture I read during my devotional time on YouVersion had to do with waiting. Then when I got to the office I read this story about an innocent man who waited 39 years for his freedom. I think I'm seeing a pattern here. I am 80 years of age. I've been in ministry 61 of those years. During my entire time in ministry I have had the nagging feeling that God wants to do something in and through my life that can only be explained as His doing. For the past 7 1/2 years I have been pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Lake Placid, FL. We have only baptized 13 people during that time & several of those are not currently walking with the LORD. If I allow myself, I could get so "down" about this lack of productivity that I would entertain the idea of quitting. Then I remember... Abraham waited 25 years for a son that God had ...