Fear Tactics
Tune in to almost any network news program and you will be hit broadside with a plethora of headline words designed to scare you. Words like "horrific" and "terrible" along with phrases like "out of control" , "no possible solution" or "no end in sight" are all designed to frighten you toward the conclusion the network would like you to adopt. Their conclusion is that you have no hope. The driving force behind the covid 19 pandemic is FEAR. If enough people decide that they have no hope, then they will buy in to whatever the government or the "health industry" tells them. For the Christ follower this goes against everything the Gospel teaches. Jesus came to set us free from fear. The Apostle John reminds us that "perfect love drives out fear" (1 John 4:18.) In FDR's first inaugural address he uttered the classic line, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself." Often fear or dread is what I...