Christmas Musings

This past weekend we really got into the spirit of the season. First we attended the Christmas Extraviganza at First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach. I don't know what else to call it. There were dancers, acrobats, singers, musicians, dramatists, pyrotechnics and animals (Bart, the camel) included in the performance...some 400 in all. 144 of these were on the Singing Christmas Tree. Then on Sunday evening we attended the Singing Christmas Tree performance at First Baptist of Sebring. This was almost at the other end of the spectrum so far as "extras" were concerned. I came away from both with a mixture of joy and sorrow. Joy, because that is what the season and the music, drama, etc produces, but sorrow, because our sin made the first Christmas necessary. I wonder if anyone else thinks about this.
Yes, there were, "Good tidings of great joy!" at the first Christmas, but the coming of the Savior was made necessary because of man's sin. Apart from the sin of mankind, there would have been unbroken fellowship with the God of the universe, 24/7. And, rather than kicking off a long season of unprecedented peace on earth (which, by the way, was not for everyone, but only 'men of goodwill') the Nativity or Incarnation really started a ferocious struggle between good and evil that culminated in the crucifixion of Jesus and His miraculous resurrection. Even that didn't bring an end to the struggle. It goes on today. Because of man's sinfulness, there are frivolous lawsuits, and an exploitation of the greed that lurks just beneath the surface in most of us. We spend money we don't have for gifts people don't need. We struggle to make sure that no one is left out of the gift-getting, and that every family member gets an even share. But what of the Savior? What are we giving Him at this season supposedly set aside to commemorate His coming to earth?
Please don't get me wrong. I love Christmas. I love giving the perfect gift and getting gifts from others. I love the decorating (but not the reverse) and the food and the fellowship. But, if I'm not careful, I'll forget why it all happened.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it." (John 3:16-17 NLT)
I don't expect you to agree with me, but I really hope I've made you stop and think. And I hope you'll join me in saying...
"Father, I'm so sorry that our sin made all this necessary. But I'm also so very thankful for Your unspeakable gift...Your Son, Jesus, my Savior."


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