Thoughtful Praying
OK, I've been thinking about this for years. I'm finally going to blog about it. Hopefully it will jog some thinking in the lives of others the way it has in mine. I'm talking about those thought-less public prayers that often revolve around memorized phrases, or throw in the words, "Father", "Lord", "Dear Jesus" as punctiation. I think that quite often when people are called on to pray in public, they pray more for the hearing of the people in the room than for the audience of One. I also have a problem with the perfunctory prayer to open and close meetings. Not that it is a bad idea, but that it very seldom means anything except to signify that the meeting is about to start or end. I think that the privilege of prayer is not to be taken lightly. We are to give thought to what we pray. If that means writing it down before we lead in prayer, then so be it. I know, there are many people who hate the thought of a written prayer, but I...