Home Again! How Sweet it Is!

Well, we finally got home. Our 2 1/2 week holiday vacation turned into almost 4 weeks. The last week and a half were spent waiting for our van to be repaired. We were fortunate that the breakdown occurred near relatives, so we didn't have to bear the extra expense of motel and fast food. Be that as it may, it was good to finally pull into our driveway at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday night after a 12 hour trip. Although there were still Christmas decorations to take down, pack and store, and a months worth of mail and newspapers to sort through, sleeping in our own bed was worth it.
Next week, the Lord willing, I will celebrate my 70th birthday. One thing that I'm becoming increasingly aware of is that the older I get, the more home sick I become. I'm talking about my eternal home; with Jesus. I don't have a death wish. I'd rather Jesus show up (as long as my last two grandkids are saved). But, I'm ready to be HOME. I really understand where Paul was coming from when he said, "For me to live is Christ, but to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21) I realize that as long as I'm here, I haven't finished my assignment. I need to keep moving for the kingdom. But one day in the not to distant future, I'm going to hear "Well done Bill, come on in to the place I've prepared for you." At that point I'll be HOME and it will be better than sleeping in my own bed.


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