The Day After Easter

On that first post-Easter, the disciples' heads were spinning. They were trying to wrap their minds around what they had seen, heard and experienced over the past 36 hours. They had perceived that the vision they had embraced for the future was dead, but no...He was alive!!! Now what? The message from their risen Lord was, "Wait".
Today we no longer have to wait. We have the benefit of their experiences. The Holy Spirit has already come, and is alive in every believer, and available to empower us as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission. I was thrilled this weekend as I read "tweets" from pastors around our nation of hundreds of people making professions of faith in Christ. But now, the real work begins. Our mandate is to "make disciples, teaching them to observe (obey) all that I (Jesus) have commanded you." To quote an old southern preacher,Vance Havner, "Salvation is the end, but it is the FRONT end." Each of those new believers should be taken under the wing of a seasoned disciple, and 2 Timothy 2:2 must be lived out again and again. What we have learned from Paul & the other apostles we must "entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also".
This is the only plan that Jesus left us with to reach our world for Him. So on this day after Easter, or at the very least during the week after Easter, we must start the disciple-making process so that these new believers can become "faithful men" and begin to do for others what has been done for them.


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