Remembering Mom

With Mother's Day approaching, I'm taking a few moments to reminise about my Mom, Ila Grace Cole (though few people knew her first name). She epitomized her name, "Grace". She was such a kind, loving person; the sort who attracted those who needed a listening ear or a kind word. She was definitely the center of warmth in our household.
My fondest memory of Mom is the night she knelt with me by my bed and led me in a prayer of repentance and faith as I received Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Whatever success I've achieved over 50 years of ministry, I owe to the prayers of my Mom. She's been with Jesus for over 22 years now, yet I can still hear her voice in my head. I only wish she could have been here to rejoice with us when Pops finally accepted Christ at age 87. Pops went to be with the Lord last month, so I know they have rejoiced together over that just recently.
I only hope that I can leave a legacy with my kids and grandkids like the one Mom left. Her three kids have all served the Lord through the local church and missions for many years. All this week I'll be remembering Mom, and praising God for allowing me to be her son.


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