Multi-Tasking Prayer; Y or N?

This morning as I enjoyed brunch at Denny's, I found myself praying for my grandkids. All the while I was eating, eavesdropping on a conversation nearby, noticing the people walking about in the restaurant, etc. The thought popped into my head, "I wonder how effective this prayer is when I'm mixing it in with everything else going on around me?" Thinking back, I recall praying while driving, watching TV, and (blush) while in the bath room. I'll share my conclusions with you, but I'd really like to hear from you on this matter.
My bottom line on this is that so long as multi-tasking prayer isn't all the praying that you do, it is OK. As a matter of fact, it is probably a great add-on to your prayer life. However, there must be prayer time which is totally focused on the Lord and the prayer needs at hand without a bunch of other "stuff" competing for your attention. I think that is what Jesus meant by "go into your closet" when teaching on prayer. In His own life here on earth, Jesus took personal, private time to get alone with His Father and totally focus in prayer.
I'm going to continue to pray in the midst of various activities, but I'm also going to make sure that I have a daily time when I give God my total attention in prayer. I believe that the least used tool or weapon in the Christian's arsenal is prayer. I'm in the process of re-claiming the Wednesday night meeting at our church for prayer. In many churches today, what used to be Prayer Meeting has become just another Bible Study with the reading of a lengthy prayer request list (90% of which deals with physical ailments) which is usually longer than the prayer time. I'm convinced that the enemy will let us do all the Bible Study we want just as long as we don't get serious about praying.
That's my opinion. What do YOU think?


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