Primal; A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity

In his new book, PRIMAL, Mark Batterson takes the reader far beneath the surface of the words of the Great Commandment as given by Jesus in Mark 12:30. With a mixture of personal experiences and broad research, Batterson challenges the reader to think very much outside the box. In his own words, this is "a re-imagining of the four primal elements detailed by Jesus in the Great Commandment." As with his earlier books, IN A PIT WITH A LION ON A SNOWY DAY, and WILD GOOSE CHASE, these are not "easy reads". I found myself pausing time and again to think through what I had just read. Loving God with all one's heart is, according to Batterson, primal compassion; with all the soul is primal wonder, with all the mind is primal curiosity and with all the strength is primal energy. The beauty of this book is that it will challenge the reader to delve more deeply into their own personal relationship with God and to get in touch with the primal part of their own faith. I can say with assurance, you won't be the same after reading this book.


Eesti said…
He ends the book with an invitation to all people to become part of the next reformation movement. A reformation that consists of being "a part of something that is bigger than you, more important than you and longer lasting than you." It is an invitation to rediscover and rejoin the movement that turned the world upside down two thousand years ago.

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