I t seems to me from scripture that the primary purpose of the church is to represent Christ to the world. The unfortunate reality is that many, if not most, church members think that the church exists to cater to them. They expect the church to entertain, comfort, inspire and pamper them simply because they are "members". If the opening statement of this blog is true, how does that play out in reality? Here are some random thoughts. The church should serve as a "service station" to members equipping them for ministry to and in the world in which they live. The church should demonstrate to the world how to live in community with one another. The church should do for those outside the church what Christ did for the multitudes when He was here on earth. The church should provide nurture and care for new believers, helping them discover and develop their gifts that enable them to function as Christ's ambassadors to the world. The church should be a platform for...
Waiting for Christmas sermon, Waiting for Christmas sermon by Brian Bill, Luke, Luke - SermonCentral.com : If you are like me, you are always open to hearing new sermon ideas for Christmas. I found one that I encourage you to examine. Just follow the link above and find a fresh message for Christmas. My prayer for all my readers is that you will encounter Christ in a fresh way this Christmas and be drawn closer to Him as God continues His work of conforming you to the likeness of Christ.
Does anyone else find it strange that more and more we are seeing men in the media, especially comercials, exhibiting the shabby look of the 5 o'clock shadow? It seems that after years of feminizing men and promoting "E.D" drugs which indicate that testosterone levels have dropped, those in the media are suddenly wanting to show that men still can grow facial hair. Not full beards mind you, but just that "my beard is so heavy that even though I shave I still have this shadow". I'm waiting for the day one of our politicians running for office shows up in a commercial, or for a debate with the manly "shadow". Don't get me wrong. If I have a few days off, I'm likely not to shave. It is not one of my favorite things to do. However, I still think that when I'm at work, or in public, I need to be clean shaven. I can even go a couple of days without anyone noticiing (guess I really do have "low T") I'm noticing that m...