Salvation Comes Complete; No Add-ons

We just bought a Blue-ray disc player as an anniversary gift, from us-to us-with love. I unpacked it, connected it to the TV, but then read that to get the most from it I would need to hook up to the internet. I have a wireless router, but order to connect to my router, I must purchase a "wireless bridge" which noone in Sebring, FL carries. On line searches revealed that I can bid for one on E-bay; buy one from Amazon for @ $85 or buy one on-line from various stores for anywhere from $100 to $130 plus shipping and handling. When I went wireless in the house, I also had to buy 2 bridges to connect my 2 Tivo's to the internet. Are you getting the picture? It seems that everything digital comes bare-bones but...for a price you can buy add-ons that make your system what you thought you were getting in the first place.
All of this makes me so very glad that when I accepted Christ, I got it all! I got eternal life with Christ, a home in heaven, the in-dwelling Holy Spirit with all the leadership and power that He brings. I did not have to opt for a "bare-bones" salvation with add-ons to come later at a price. When Jesus paid it all, He paid it all. When I accepted Him, I got it all. I will admit that accessing what is already mine is sometimes problematic because I like to do it my way and according to my time table. When this happens, I'm usually disappointed that my salvation seems not to stack up with that of someone else. However, once I look in the instruction manual (Bible) and follow the instructions, I find how to access what is already mine. I'm so glad that salvation doesn't come from the electronics store.


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