The Same, But Different

Just 10 1/2 years ago my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. The trepidation that descended on our lives was palpable. Suddenly every day was overshadowed by both the treatments, the "what-if's" as we walked on, what for us, was a new path. At the last "Walk for the Cure" in our town, we celebrated with other survivors with a victory lap.
Now it has started over again, this time with our oldest daughter, Kendra. The realization that Rae has beaten this disease for 10 1/2 years gives us hope. But, at the same time there is dread as Kendra embarks on her treatment. Each day is a gift; every tomorrow is truly in doubt. I've asked God to let me bear the cancer in my own body. After all, I've already lived a long, full life. Kendra has "miles to go" with her four children, ages 5-10.
My understanding of true intercession is that the intercessor must be willing to bear the burden of the one for whom they are praying. I'm willing!
So, we are going down the "C" road once again. It is vaguely familiar, yet surprisingly different. Much has changed in 10+ years. Treatments have improved and we've been assured that this type is the most curable. Still there are crooks and turns in the road that we can't see around, and there is uncertainty as to what around the next curve. However, our hope is in God as we press on.


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