Does God Watch Fox and Friends?
I'm constantly amazed at the reaction of Believers to the current headlines. Many of them react just the same as unbelievers with worry and almost panic. It is as if God didn't know what was coming down the pike, and had to find out from our frantic prayers what was happening in the world. Should we be concerned? Yes. Should we worry? No! Should we pray? Absolutely! Our Sovereign God has fore-knowledge of every event that takes place on earth. He could intervene and change things before we even know about them. Instead, He allows them to occur and uses them as tools to shape and conform Believers into the image of Jesus. Our possible responses to events such as the oil spill are either FAITH, FEAR, or APATHY. As I mentioned in a blog post not long ago, some of what we consider to be disasters result in a new creativity and ingenuity on the part of man-kind. This occurs when we seek God's wisdom and understanding of what has happened and why. I was glad to read that governors of three gulf states called for prayer after 70+days of the oil disaster, however, I think their timing was all wrong. The time to pray is up front. We still have the attitude that we are supposed to do all we can in any situation and, if all else fails, then pray.
I'm pretty sure that God knows about the events on earth far before Fox and Friends. Not only that, He also knows how we are going to react, and how the whole thing will end up. The formula for Believers should be
- Pray
- Listen
- Respond (not react)
- Obey