Glen Beck and the Evangelicals
I find it very interesting that many evangelicals are ga-ga over Glen Beck since his rally in D.C. on the anniversary of MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech. I watched and listened on C-span to Beck's call for a return to God, and to Biblical principles. While this is admirable, I'm troubled by some things I did not hear.
- I did not hear that Jesus is THE way, THE truth and THE life and that no one comes to the Father except through Him.
- I did not hear Glen Beck give testimony to a conversion experience where he acknowledged his sin which separated him from God, received Christ as His personal Lord and Savior and experienced forgiveness.
We evangelicals have to evaluate a person by their fruit. It is too early to evaluate the fruit of the "new" Glen Beck. As one old pastor explained, "It ain't how high you jump, it is how straight you walk." Let's watch the "walk" before we jump on the band-wagon. Political conservatism and evangelical zeal are not one and the same. Perhaps a re-reading of Matthew 7:21-23 is in order.