Faith Baptist Church of Lake Placid Inc. - Lake Placid Florida

Faith Baptist Church of Lake Placid Inc. - Lake Placid Florida:

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This is my church. Last Sunday Rae and I joined here to begin our journey of faith with this group of believers. I'm excited about the future of this church because I truly believe that God has great plans for it. I've already come to know many of the Christ Followers here during an eight month interim I served over a year and a half ago. Little did I know that I would become the Pastor. God really does work in mysterious ways. As we begin this adventure, here are some random thoughts about how God grows a church.

God looks for people whose hearts are completely His in order to show Himself mighty on their behalf. (2 Chronicles 16:9) Our goal is to become those people.
The church is called the "Bride of Christ" and as such must be pure in all her words, deeds and attitudes.
God ordained the church to continue the work of Christ until He comes again.
The church whose members fulfill the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) is a healthy church. Healthy Churches reproduce.

Many times the busy "program" of a church actually dictates against the fulfillment of God's command for her. There are times when there should be some funerals for what have been favorite activities in order to focus time and energy on the mandate we have from God. I'm looking forward to being part of a church that is known for exemplifying Christ in all she does. My dream is that all Lake Placid, Highlands County, Florida and the world will be impacted by the ministry of Faith Baptist Church...and your church as well.


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