World Changing Wednesdays

At our church we usually pray conversationally for as much as 20-30 minutes.  Our people are being trained to pray about one subject at the time for up to a minute, and then to give others the opportunity to either join in that prayer topic or introduce another one.  They are free to pray as many times as they choose, but asked to keep each prayer focused on one topic.  The result thus far (we've been doing this for about 6 weeks) is that more people pray about more topics than in the old method of one or two people recruited to open and close the prayer time while everyone else prays silently (if at all)
We have the opportunity to study the Bible in Sunday School, to be encouraged, inspired and challenged by a sermon in church.  On Wednesday we have the opportunity to impact the world through prayer.  Ron Dunn, great Bible teacher/preacher now deceased, described intercessory prayer as an ICBM missile, launched from a pad no larger than your knees which can travel at the speed of thought to anywhere in the world, be exactly on target and there is no defense against it.
Given such a powerful weapon, shouldn't we be using it to accomplish the most good for the most people in the most places?  I'm excited as we are growing beyond the aches and pains we each have to the persecuted church, the un-reached people groups, those living under oppressive conditions across the world, and the lost in our families, schools, neighborhoods, government and work places.
Let's reclaim Wednesday night for prayer.  Let's set aside this one night of the week to make an impact on our world.


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