My New Year's Intentions

I've decided to call them intentions this year instead of resolutions.  It seems that the word resolution carries with it the idea that they will be broken.  Honestly, I've not made any "resolutions" in years because most of them are usually broken before the first quarter is over.  Maybe renaming them "intentions" will bode well for keeping them.  At any rate, this is a work in progress. (about to be interrupted by an extended family foray to a local mall and theater)
Here are my BIG THREE intentions for 2012.

  • During this year I intend to make a conscious daily effort to live, think and feel as Jesus did/would.
  • During this year I will begin to add fasting to my prayer life.
  • During this year I will enter into an "iron sharpens iron" relationship with 2 other men.
Why only three?  Because that is manageable.  I've found that if I do any more, I get lost in the process.  Also, these three will impact every area of my life and relationships, so why do more?  Each of these is also measurable.  I'll be able to determine daily, weekly, or monthly how I'm doing.  If I were Jewish, I'd place these in a phylactery and tie them to my forehead.  Since I'm not, I'll just keep them on a card in my wallet, and on to-do lists on my computer.  At least that is my "intention".


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