Having the Right Connections
This has been a frustrating morning. For some reason I could not access the internet via our wireless router at the office. I'm not at our condo, and was able to get on line here. I spent part of the morning on the phone with a tech, and part of it fuming as I tried different things with my computer, the modem, and the router. All of this has made me very aware of, and uncomfortable about, the reliance I have on "being connected". I have a smart phone, a desk-top and lap-top computer, and a tablet. I'm constantly looking for the latest and greatest devices. I have wireless internet capability at both my home in Sebring and my condo in Lake Placid. I spend an inordinate amount of time on line either surfing, reading or studying for sermons or Bible Studies, playing games, or involved with social media. Currently our home group is dependent upon my internet connection for video-driven studies. Yet, when I look at the productivit...