Catching up?'

I've let myself get behind in updating my blog.  As a matter of fact, I have so many things I want to write about, it is hard to determine which to choose.  I've decided to start with fulfilling an obligation I have.
I recently received the new Bibles from Zonderkidz entitled "NIV faithGirlz Bible" and NIV Boys Bible".  The idea is that I am to review them on my blog.  So here goes.  Having both grandsons and grand-daughters who fall into the age range being targeted by these Bibles, I'm especially interested in the distinctives that set these Bibles apart.
First: NIV faithGirlz Bible:  I love the pink; I love the "Dream Girl" inserts that draw young ladies into the story.  Also, the "Bring it on" segments create an interactive opportunity where girls can actually take a quiz based on the scripture  passage.  Other distinctives in this Bible are the "Oh, i get it!" (explanation of some hard to grasp issues) "Treasure this!" (scripture memory suggestions) "Is there a little _______ in you" (which lets a girls see some of the characteristics of a Bible character in her own life) and my favorite, "In Your Own Words" which invites the girls to write a recap on a particular story. I can forsee all four of my granddaughters getting copies of this Bible on gift giving occasions this year.

Next:  NIV Boys Bible:  Let me start with my favorite twist which is sure to grab the attention of any young boy; "grossology".  It is introduced with these words, "If it oozes, bleeds, smells, or makes your spine tingle, it's in the Bible."  I love that!  Other helps in this Bible that are sure to draw young men into the story are the "What's the Big Deal?" and "Makin' it Real" segments.  The scripture memory tool in this Bible is entitled "Words to Live By".
Both Bibles include great intros into the various books and beautiful graphics (not pictures) that highlight the special portions that make the Bible come alive for girls or guys.  Once again, I can see my three grandsons getting copies of this soon.

Bottom Line:  Let me encourage you to go to the Zondervan website (www/ and check out these unique Bibles.


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