In Golden Splendor; A Review

Recently I was sent a copy of Michael K. Reynolds' book, "In Golden Splendor" to review on my blog.  Here is my review:
Is it a love story, an adventure story, a mystery, a western novel, or an inspirational story?  Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes!  This delightful book is all of the above.  Following the life and times of Seamus Hanley takes the reader from the mean streets of Manhatten in the 1800's to the gold fields of California. There is adventure on the high seas, drama in the desert, and the thread that runs through the book of a picture of a mysterious young woman that keeps Seamus going in the midst of all sorts of danger.
Just about the time you think that you've figured out what will happen next, Reynolds throws in another "kink" that sends you reeling back to square one.  There is something in this book for every reader.  The connecting link is faith.  For a while it is blind faith, but eventually you begin to see a direction toward a hoped for ending.  You won't be disappointed.


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