Monday Musings

I remember the days when pastors used to have a Monday Pastor's Lunch; sometimes weekly and sometimes monthly.  As I recall, these often turned into "bragging sessions" as pastors gushed about the number of people in Sunday School and church and the decisions that were made.  It was almost a "can you top this?" session.  Having served for 50+ years in ministry, the past 6 as either interim or full-time pastor, I'm glad we don't have such a meeting in our area.  Most Mondays I'm ready to chuck it all and go play golf (not a bad idea by the way).  
The cycle I find myself on begins every Monday with the challenge of deciding on sermon and text for two services next Sunday.  Finding the text is easy because I preach through books of the Bible.  Determining a title is a challenge because I always want it to be something that will grab the attention of those who see it. Tuesday is the day that I outline the sermons and begin the study process of unpacking the passage for that message.  That involves reading the text in several translations, looking at some commentary, reading sermons on the same text by several different pastors, and then allowing Holy Spirit to take all that I've ingested and form it into a message that is tailor-made for my congregation.  The rest of the week is spent refining and tweaking until I have a finished product by the week-end.  In between I prepare a Home Group Bible Study for Monday night, a Wednesday evening devotional that leads into Prayer Meeting, pastoral visits to hospitals, nursing homes and shut-ins and a few administrative items.
Even with all that I always approach Sunday morning with anticipation that today will be the day that God shows up and shows out in our midst.  I dream (actually I just lie awake and think) about revival breaking out, those on our prayer list being saved, relationships being restored and our church making a huge impact in the community.  Alas, it has not happened yet.  Thus begin a new week, climbing on the same treadmill and believing that this could be the week.
I know that I'm not alone in this but most weeks it sure feels like it.  However, this I know; God is on the throne, He is faithful and He will accomplish His purposes.  My bottom line is to remain available for Him to use me if and when He sees fit.


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