Obedience, not Negotiation
There seems to be a rising consensus in religious circles today that certain parts of the Bible are up for negotiation. Of course this is in perfect alignment with the idea that there are no absolutes. The concept of the Ten Commandments as only suggestions that God made and that they are open for negotiation is gradually eroding the church today. Already whole denominations have opted to scratch out Biblical admonitions regarding marriage, sexual behavior, divorce and abortion under the guise of being “inclusive”. Anyone who stands on Biblical foundations is quickly labeled as “intolerant”. The reality is that when we begin to think that we have a better, more enlightened idea than what God put forth in scripture, we have moved into the realm of idolatry. We have set ourselves up as god, at least on a level with if not elevated above the God of the Bible. We are not the first of created beings to do this. It all began with Lucifer and hi...