What I Learned in Vacation Bible School This Year

This year our church resumed VBS for the first time in about 10 years or so.  It was an amazing week.  We enlisted leaders without a clue as to how many children to expect.  God orchestrated everything beautifully.  Here is a list of things I learned.
  • ·         It makes no difference how old your workers are.  If they love Jesus and kids, they will do well.
  • ·         There is no such thing as too small a group.  Quality time with a few kids can change lives for eternity.
  • ·         The old adage, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care” is really true, especially with kids.
  • ·         There will always be a few who will find something to gripe about even when things are going well.
  • ·         I can’t do my job well if I’m busy criticizing how someone else is doing their job.
  • ·         Seeds sown during VBS need to be tended with prayer and follow-up until God gives the increase.
  • ·         VBS doesn’t end, it just extends.

At age 75 I’m still learning.  I recognize that I’ll never get too old to “Discover, Decide and Defend” so far as the good news of Jesus is concerned.


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