I've been meditating on Matthew 6:33 for the past several days. "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you." Righteousness is defined as "the state of moral perfection required by God to enter heaven." John the Baptist called for righteousness or uprightness as an indication that one had truly repented of sin. In Gen. 15:6 (quoted by Paul in Ro. 4:5) we are told that Abraham's faith (believing that God would do what he said) was counted as righteousness. Summed up it seems that true righteousness is measured by the standard of God Himself. In our current society which claims that there are no absolutes, righteousness becomes comparative rather than a standard. Using the "God" standard, Ecclesiastes 7:20 and Romans 3:10 declare that there are "none righteous". If that is true, then is the pursuit (seeking) of righteous a vain endeavor? I think not. After all we are told ...