Adventures Under the Mango Tree; a Book Review

I was given this book by the B & B Media Group in exchange for my review on this blog.
"Adventures Under the Mango Tree" by Lillian (Mama Lilly) Ann Klepp is a highly readable, book that feels like you are reading a personal journal or diary.  The style Mrs. Klepp uses is at once personal and informational.  I came away with a new perspective for what is happening in Sudan as I walked with "Mama Lilly" and her husband Dennis down the at times dusty and at times muddy trails of Southern Sudan.  This is more a story of the work of God through willing servants than anything else.
I found myself asking "Could or would I dare to do something like this?" and then having my faith soar and declaring, "God could do something like this through me!"
You'll be introduced to a cast of characters (all real people) like Caleb, their first orphan whom they later adopted both in Sudan and in the US, Mr. Mr. Mourice Akuno and Pastor Pooshani both of whom became co-workers with the Klepps.
You'll be drawn into the adventure as you join "Mama Lillly" in adapting to life in Sudan, its customs, culture, food and creatures.  You'll quake with fright as the sounds of gunfire and bombs grow nearer to the orphanage and a choice must be made to evacuate or stay.  Your faith will take flight as you read of God's miraculous intervention time after time.

Get this book, read it and pass it on.


bcole39 said…
A book review "Adventures Under the Mango Tree"

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