Random Thoughts

It is Monday morning.  My brain doesn't always work best on Monday mornings, however here are some things that are running around in it today.
I drove through Dunkin Donuts and clearly ordered a medium hot coffee with 2 creams and 1 mocha swirl.  When I got to the window they handed me a LARGE but at least they got the rest of the order right.  And yes, I did pay for a large.  Made me think that in order to deserve $15 an hour minimum wage your should be able to get a simple order correct and also be able to make change without a computer telling you how much to give back.  To expand on that idea, in order to deserve $15 and hour you must be worth $20 an hour to your employer.
Enough of that.  I'm fascinated and excited about the news of revival breaking out in W. Virginia.  It seems that God shows up in the most remote places. I have been praying for weeks for revival to break out in Highlands County, FL.  Although that is where my church is, I don't care where it starts, just THAT it starts.  I'm not yet sure that I want it badly enough, but I'm continuing to pray.
In my heart I want to see our church expand during the summer months. If that happens it will definitely be a "God-thing" because the whole mindset in our area is that once the "snow-birds" go north, everything at church slows down for about 4 months. We are planning to do Backyard Kids' Club in June.  This is really a faith venture because we currently have only one pre-schooler and no children in SS or church.  Also many of our workers from previous years are not available this year PLUS our director (my wife) is dealing with some health issues.
There you have it...my "brain-dump" for Monday.


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