Learn to Pray "Chain Prayers"

Recently, as I was thanking God for my bowl of cereal, I was reminded to thank Him for the farmer who prepared the land, planted the seed and tended the grain and then harvested the crop.  Then I was prompted to pray for the people who prepared the grain into cereal and the those who packaged it, those who transported it to market, those who stocked the shelves so that I could purchase the cereal.  That led to me giving thanks for the finances that enabled me to buy the food I need.  Before long, my "blessing" on my breakfast turned into an intercessory prayer session.  I didn't have to use a prayer list or a notebook.  I just allowed Holy Spirit to guide as one prayer led to another.
That experience has helped me understand Paul's admonition to "pray without ceasing".  It has also made my prayer time more exciting because I know I'm praying for those people and those things that Holy Spirit brings to mind.
Some time ago I told one of my granddaughters that I prayed for them daily by name.  That commitment to her has led to my bringing each name of each family member before the Lord each day, and asking Him to let me know of any particular need they might have.  If He doesn't bring one to mind, I simply move to the next name, confident that my lifting the name to Him releases Him to do all that He wants to do in them and through them.  He knows that my daily prayer for each is that He keep them from the evil one; meet all their needs and bless every effort they make to live Godly lives and fulfill the Great Commission.
My "discovery" of chain prayers has both broadened and deepened my prayer life.  Hopefully, dear reader, it will help you as well...I'm praying that it will.


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