Start a New Morning Routine

A lot is being written by productivity experts about developing morning routines to help you optimize your time.  I'd like to "piggy-back" on that idea with a suggestion for a morning routine that will revolutionize your life.  Even if you are not a "morning person" you can do this.  We usually plan for the important events & appointments in our lives.  Here is a plan to begin a routine Time Alone with God every morning.

  1. Start the night before.  Place your Bible, notebook, devotional guide and a pen near the chair where you will meet with God.  (If you use your phone or tablet, make sure that it is charged up and ready)
  2. Go to bed at an hour that will allow you to get the optimum number of sleep hours.
  3. If you are not one who spontaneously wakes up, set your clock or phone to awaken you at the desired time.  (Don't hit "snooze")
  4. When you wake up, get up.  Tend to the necessary things (bathroom, brush teeth, start the coffee, etc.)
  5. Go directly to your meeting place where you have placed the things you need for your appointment with God.
  6. Begin with a brief prayer, thanking God for the night's rest, for life, health, peace, freedom, Jesus, Holy Spirit and the Bible)
  7. Go to the place in your Bible (or on your phone or tablet) where you have determined to read.  Ask God to open your spiritual eyes to see wondrous things from His Word.
  8. As you read, underline, highlight and make notes in your journal of what you sense God is saying to you.
  9. Close your time with prayer that grows out of your reading.  Just talk back to God about what He has said to you in His Word.
  10. Now you're ready to get into your day.
Do this for 21 days straight and you will have established a new routine.  If you miss a day, don't despair, just start over.
I know you'll be blessed if you choose to do this.


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