Don't Give Up
Recently I've been reminded that answers to prayer are worth the wait. For almost 6 years we have been praying at Faith Baptist Church for God to send us some young families. In the past two weeks He has sent us two such families. We have also had a relative of mine by marriage on the "spiritual needs" prayer list. On Easter Sunday he professed his faith in Christ. Too often we tend to want to see answers yesterday to prayers we prayed today. I'm reminded that God's timing is perfect, but mine isn't.
This has given me encouragement in prayer. When I pray for those people or things that God brings to my attention, I can be assured of an His time. My BIG prayer now is for Spiritual Awakening in America. I don't care where it starts or whom God uses to bring it to pass...I just want to see it happen. The first two "Great Awakenings" in America were each born through prayer. I believe this next one will also come through prayer.
Jesus taught that we should ask, and keep on asking; seek and keep on seeking; knock and keep on knocking. He also told the story of a widow who refused to take "no" as an answer from a judge. Her importunity finally broke his reserve and he granted her request. Jesus ended the story by saying, "If this stubborn judge gave in to the persistent widow, how much more will God answer your prayers if you don't give up?" (my paraphrase) My encouragement to you today is...don't give up.
This has given me encouragement in prayer. When I pray for those people or things that God brings to my attention, I can be assured of an His time. My BIG prayer now is for Spiritual Awakening in America. I don't care where it starts or whom God uses to bring it to pass...I just want to see it happen. The first two "Great Awakenings" in America were each born through prayer. I believe this next one will also come through prayer.
Jesus taught that we should ask, and keep on asking; seek and keep on seeking; knock and keep on knocking. He also told the story of a widow who refused to take "no" as an answer from a judge. Her importunity finally broke his reserve and he granted her request. Jesus ended the story by saying, "If this stubborn judge gave in to the persistent widow, how much more will God answer your prayers if you don't give up?" (my paraphrase) My encouragement to you today is...don't give up.