Thoughts on the Vegas Massacre

All last week I struggled with whether to express my opinion about the NFL protests during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner.  I finally decided that enough opinions had been recorded on FaceBook, Twitter, etc.  This morning I awoke to the news of the shooting in Las Vegas.  The “talking heads” on TV have been vomiting verbiage while they know very little about what really transpired and especially why it happened.  There are a few things that I do know, so I decided to weigh in.

·       Anyone, anywhere at any time could become a victim, so it is important to ‘live ready”.
·       Because of the rise of vehement tirades of hatred that we are exposed to almost daily, those who are prone to violence are easily set off.  Words do lead to actions.  Words pack more power than most people think.  Words created the universe.
·       We do have a responsibility to alert authorities if we know of someone who may have expressed extreme views or threats.
·       With the rise of anarchy, where many feel that they are above the law there will only be more incidents like this.
·       Some of those who died did not have a relationship with Jesus because no one ever shared the gospel with them.
·       Without a national spiritual awakening, we can expect more such incidents.

My bottom line is that those of us who know Christ MUST not keep the gospel under wraps.  We MUST take seriously the mandate to make disciples as we go about our normal traffic pattern of life.  We MUST pray for God to once again “shed His grace” on America.  We need intercessors and we need witnesses to  the gospel.


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