The Great Smoke Screen

Every day in the media we are apprised of some new allegation against a politician, athlete or Hollywood personality.  The public gets all up in arms and people take sides via social media.  In the meantime millions across the world are dying of starvation, diseases that could be curtailed and the violence of rampant dictators and movements.  Where is the outrage that people are dying without Christ and will spend eternity in Hell?  Where are the voices raised against the idolatry of modern man?  In some cases even the pulpit is silent.

Everything that is wrong with the NFL, NBA, Major League baseball, college sports, Hollywood and Washington D. C. would be solved if Spiritual Renewal swept across America.  The epidemic of poverty and hunger in our nation would disappear if God ruled in the hearts of mankind.  The drug and alcohol problem would disappear if the Holy Spirit resided in the lives of people.  Yet we spend untold time, energy and money (over 3M spent by the special counsel on the probe into Russian interference in US politics) on the symptoms rather than attacking the disease...SIN.
This has been the devil's modus operandi since the beginning of time.  He seeks to get our focus off of real problem while we "tilt at windmills".  It is time for us to recognize his smoke screen and turn our attention to the spread of the Gospel.   


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