We Are in this Together

Dr. E.V. Hill, long time pastor of the Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in So. Central Los Angeles was also involved in local politics.  He mentioned once that if he were running for office, he would only need one block captain in each square block in order to carry the election.  Then he said that in So. Central L. A. which took in about 20 square blocks there were over 200 churches and yet they were not reaching the people for Christ.  Gangs and drugs were rampant.  I've thought of his words often as I pass church after church in our small town.  Every Sunday as I'm on my way to church I pass people out walking or riding their bike or hooking up their boat to head for the lake,  It occurs to me that if every church in Lake Placid were filled to capacity on Sunday there would still be 100's of un-churched people in our area. 
Part of the problem is that each church operates as if they are on an island all alone in trying to reach people for Christ.  Most of the membership growth in local churches is transfer growth.  People grow weary of one church or get offended, or see a program in another church they like and hop to a new church.  We must realize that we are all in the same business and if we work together, we can impact our community.  Churches should compete against the world, not against other churches.  Competing against the world requires that we join forces.  We must realize that we are all in this together.  Pray for other pastors, encourage them, come alongside them to help when help is needed.  Don't let pride keep you from asking for help from another church to pull off VBS or block parties or other outreach events.  The Apostle worked hard to link the churches he started together.  He took offerings in one church to help another.  Let's focus on the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus.  WE NEED EACH OTHER!


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