Being Thankful is a Choice

We base too much emphasis on emotions.  At least that is my observation.  I hear people say, "I just don't feel like..." whatever.  A much more dependable part of life is WILL.  I can choose to do things that I don't FEEL like doing.
During the week of Thanksgiving, I want to encourage you to CHOOSE to give thanks whether you feel like it or not.  As you persist in doing this, you will find your feelings begin to come around.  I read somewhere recently a question..."What if God gave you today only what you thanked Him for yesterday?  Food for thought.
The Bible even calls thanksgiving a SACRIFICE.  That means that it costs you something.  You can do it regardless of how you feel.  The reward for that choice may be delayed but is definite.  Thankful people enjoy better health.  Thankful people have more friends.  Thankful people are more productive.
So here's the challenge.  Everyday for the next month begin and end your day with thanksgiving.  When you awaken in the morning, before your feet hit the floor, thank God for the night's rest, the bed you slept in, the coffee you are about to drink or whatever.  I personally thank Him each day for life, health, peace and freedom.  Then I add family, friends and church.  Finally I thank Him for Jesus, Holy Spirit, salvation, forgiveness and the Bible.  Then in the evening, as my head hits the pillow, I recall the events and encounters of the day and give thanks for those as well.  If you do this for a month you will find your life improving in many areas.  What have you got to lose?  Be thankful.


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