Dont' Forget Who is in Charge
Given the recent events in the Middle East many people, including Christians, are freaking out. The one thing that is being overlooked is that only what God allows or directs can happen in this world, and he can use either for his purposes. Armageddon cannot be started by the actions of men unless God wants to use them. The day and time have already been set, and no one except God Himself knows when that will be. No charts, blood moons or visions will change what God has already established.
Our mandate as believers is to trust God and obey his Word. Specifically we are to be about the business of "making disciples of all nations" or what we call The Great Commission. Ideally we should be doing that on the very day that Jesus returns.
In the meantime we must pray consistently for the governmental leaders that God has put or allowed in place (Romans 13) as we continue to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). Also, we need to remember what the Psalmist said in Psalm 46:10 "Be still (stop fretting and worrying) and know the I am God."
Our mandate as believers is to trust God and obey his Word. Specifically we are to be about the business of "making disciples of all nations" or what we call The Great Commission. Ideally we should be doing that on the very day that Jesus returns.
In the meantime we must pray consistently for the governmental leaders that God has put or allowed in place (Romans 13) as we continue to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). Also, we need to remember what the Psalmist said in Psalm 46:10 "Be still (stop fretting and worrying) and know the I am God."