Praying for the Election

To say that the election this coming November is critical to the direction of our country is an understatement.  For those who are Christ followers it is crucial that we pray for God's guidance and we cast our votes.  With this in mind, we should learn from the Israelites, God's Chosen People.  In 1 Samuel 8, as the old prophet neared the end of his earthly life, it became apparent that his sons would not be good leaders for the country.  In v 6, "So all the elders of Israel gathered together and went to Samuel at Ramah.  They said to him, 'Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways.  Therefore appoint a king to judge us the same as all they other nations have.'"  Samuel was a bit offended by their request and he told God so.  The Lord replied to him in v 7 "But the LORD told him, 'Listen to the people and everything they say to you.  They have not rejected you; they have rejected me as their king.'"
As we pray to God for guidance regarding the coming election, we must be careful not to go to Him with a candidate and say, "Please bless us by putting our candidate in office."  Someone has wisely said, "The only thing worse that not getting what you ask for in prayer is getting what you ask for in prayer."  God gave Israel what they asked for and Saul was anointed as king.  For a while it looked like a good choice, but before it was over, he ran off the rails.  Before Saul died, God had sent Samuel to anoint HIS choice for king.  David was the youngest and least in his family.  His occupation was one that was looked down on by most of society.  Yet, 13 years later he ascended to the throne and has been hailed as Israel's greatest king.
As you pray for the election, seek God's candidate, and be willing to vote for the one He indicates as his choice.  It could be the one you had in mind all along.  However, don't reject the idea that God may have selected someone you've never heard of.


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