Assume the Position!
If you have watched many cop shows on TV you perhaps have heard the line, "Assume the position". In that context it means to turn away, with your hands visible, spread your feet apart and prepare to be searched. Today I want to borrow the expression and make a different application. America is in trouble. There are only two possible outcomes for our nation. Either we will experience a third "great awakening" (spiritual) or we will face annihilation. If you've read the Bible very carefully you'll note that America is not mentioned. While I can't give you a definite reason for that, I can presume that either America is assimilated into another nation or she is annihilated. That being said, it is time for Christ followers to "assume the position" of prayer. By that I'm not indicating a certain posture. I'm merely saying we need to get serious before God and cry out for him to intervene in our nation. The first two "gre...