Assume the Position!

If you have watched many cop shows on TV you perhaps have heard the line, "Assume the position".  In that context it means to turn away, with your hands visible, spread your feet apart and prepare to be searched.  Today I want to borrow the expression and make a different application.  America is in trouble.  There are only two possible outcomes for our nation.  Either we will experience a third "great awakening" (spiritual) or we will face annihilation.  If you've read the Bible very carefully you'll note that America is not mentioned.  While I can't give you a definite reason for that, I can presume that either America is assimilated into another nation or she is annihilated.  
That being said, it is time for Christ followers to "assume the position" of prayer.  By that I'm not indicating a certain posture.  I'm merely saying we need to get serious before God and cry out for him to intervene in our nation.  The first two "great awakenings" in America were both born out of intense prayer.  There is no reason to think that it could not happen again.  Recently in a message I preached, I said that God does not mind being reminded of what he has said.  In Isaiah 62 there is mention of "watchmen on the wall" whose assignment was to keep reminding God of what he had promised about the New Jerusalem.  If America is to survive, we must get serious about reminding God of at least two things he has promised.  In Genesis 12:3 God said to Abraham, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse anyone who treats you with contempt. He was referring to the nation Israel that would come from Abraham's children.  America has been one of the foremost supporters of Israel especially since the rebirth of the nation in 1948 up to the present.  A second promise was made by Jesus in what we call The Great Commission.  "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you to the end of the age."  America has sent thousands of missionaries through out the world seeking to win people to Christ, baptize them and disciple them.  Even today there are thousands on the missions fields of the world.  If we are to have another spiritual awakening, I believe it will come as we continue to remind God of his promises while continuing to maintain our commitment to Israel and to the nations of the world.  In addition, we must confess our sins and turn away from them and seek the face of God.  All of this is done as we "assume the position" of prayer.


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